Flute: Charming
When this flute is played by a master Entertainer, it will give the player the power to charm, or bring under loyal control, one person or creature with a hearing of 12+. The targeted must be within 8 spaces (40'), and must clearly hear the music of the flute.
If this is accomplished, social control will be gained over the person or creature as far as would any very loyal friend. This is not an enslavement effect.
If the command, “Slay yourself”, is given, the charm will instantly break.
Area of Effect ---- : The person or creature.
Avoidance-Roll -- : Yes: vs. "Mental-Attack".
Duration ----------- : Permanent, until the targeted successfully avoids vs.
“Mental Attack”. This can be attempted but once per
Moon (30 days).
Effect Time ------- : 3 turns (15 seconds). On the beginning of the 4th turn,
the targeted must make the required "Avoidance-Roll",
or be charmed for the "Duration".
Usable ------------- : 1 / 3 moons (90 days). Once used, whether charming is
successful or not, the flute must recharge for 90 days.
Value --------------- : 2 White-Gold.